Sunday, July 29, 2012

Yesterday's Struggle, Today's Strength

Broken and shattered dreams aren’t easily fixed
The speed of life finding the next fix

Laughs, drama and dirt in moments past
The blink of an eye how long they last

Struggles seem so very small, petty, and cold
Until they take every thing you so dearly hold

So my struggle turns to motivation
Like the cry of a beaten but not forgotten nation

Memories of fallen soldiers sway in the midst
Keeping me sharp to this life’s twists

No more pain my heart can bear
Learning in my grief I have something to share

Pieces of that life continue to ebb away
Replaced with strength for each new day

Looking to the clouds and where they roam
Being viewed by those who’ve gone home.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Words of Destruction

Words that contain powerful meanings
mixed with the wrong emotions and feelings
can become dangerous weapons of war,

When filled with anger and hate
words fuel a vicious debate
and love soon walks out the door.

Now your really in a battle
the relationship now in the sattle
but words continue to cause pain,

and as the fight goes on
destroying all that was strong
the words become untamed.

Now cutting wounds so deep
her tears begin to seep
out of eyes that once had a loving glare,

but the damage has already been done
and this war nobody has won
because the words cause pain of equal share.

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution

Friday, July 27, 2012

She Comes Apart

Fragile becomes her eyes
her emotion is despise
and her heart a thousand pieces,

She can't find the reason why
to her were told so many lies
as if the truth was always needless.

Inside she feels like a thunderous sky
she can give a thousand reasons to die
because her sunshine is becoming ceaseless,

She can't control the fire inside
her pain is just to much to hide
as tears begin filling all her creases.

Her sorrow she can no longer deny
once loved has now passed her by
and her life is falling to pieces.

written from Mayo Correctional Institution


Endless Eyes

Caught in the glimmer of her eyes
visions of stars and where they fly
to late not to be taken in,

So deep the ocean has no clue
Doesn't matter brown or blue
Brown looks to win.

It is time that knows no bounds
in her eyes is where it is always found
forever in her lights,

I always want to never look away
without a word her eyes begin to say
"Give up without a fight."

Before this night is over I will lose
as intimacy is the only touch that soothes
the heat is on the rise,

As the words begin to gently slip
her lips meet mine for a little sip
staring into endless eyes.

Dedicated to Lisa Marie Lynch

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Do Memories Really Fade?

Do memories really fade,
do they wash away?
Will my memories of you &I,
be taken off of this replay?

Do memories really fade,
like the setting of the sun?
Will thoughts of you disappear,
with each new day begun?

Do memories really fade,
like a horizon off the coast?
Pictures of you in my head,
becoming the forgotten ghost.

Do memories really fade,
like a bulb about to blow?
The times in-between us,
becoming a dampened glow.

Do memories really fade,
like a song coming to an end?
Because in my head are memories of you,
making it hard for my heart to mend.

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Venus Fly Trap

There was a little fly
Who had a dream to die
he didn't want to go
but he had to say good-bye.

So he got caught up in the trap
and the Venus closed with a snap
now this little fly
he won't be coming back

Venus has him in her clutch
with her soft seductive touch
this poor little fly
his life is what she sucks.

She won't be letting go
until his blood has ran cold
now this little fly
his eyes begin to close.

There was a little fly
who had a dream to die
yet, when his dream came true
he was found between her thighs.

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution

Who Will Be There?

Who will be there,
will they cry?
Who will be there,
to say good-bye?
Who will be there,
to hold my mother's hand?
Who will be there,
telling her she raised a man?

Who will be there,
to remember the past?
Who will be there,
talking good times and laughs?

Who will be there,
to see the tossing of the dirt?
Who will be there,
to see me back to the earth?

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Storm of the Century "04"

Black clouds roll in
as it begins to get dark.
There is going to be a bad storm,
in my head is where it starts.

First a flash of lightning,
that the bravest man fears.
Then the resonant sound of thunder,
that brings deafness to my ears.

As it begins to rain harder and harder,
I get a distorted vision.
As fast as the wind changes direction,
my mind changes decisions.

A storm that destroys everything in it's path,
You could say it's a hurricane.
Paths uncontrollable and unpredictable,
a storm no man can contain.

Destruction and mayhem,
are all that's left behind.
This storm's name was Love,
and the devastation is left on my mind.

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution 

Saturday, July 14, 2012


How can I let go of yesterday,
and grab onto tomorrow?
With memories full of pain,
it hurts with every swallow.

How do I just give it up,
or is it I just give in?
The feeling of agony,
burning deep within.

Feeling as if there is no end,
to the suffering I feel inside.
Only if I could get away,
find a dark place to try and hide.

If only there was relief,
if I could only shed tears.
My eyes dried up long ago,
so tears haven't dropped for years.

I guess I'll just keep going on,
enjoying this lonesome torturing.
Because tomorrow will always come,
but I'm afraid it won't change a thing.

Painful, Agony, of Suffering, & Torture

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution

Friday, July 13, 2012

Frozen in Time

As my time stands still,
their lives continue on.
My thoughts of them remain,
their thoughts of me gone.

As my time stands still,
I hold a love I once knew.
though it has let me go,
I continue to stay true.

As my time stands still,
this pain continues to grow.
The shadow of who I was,
over the person I want to know.

As my time stands still,
tomorrows pass me by.
Only memories of yesterdays,
flooding my searching mind.

As my time stands still,
I build off of my pain.
When My time begins to move,
I will not know this pain again.

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution

Burial Plan

I will put him to death,
The I that was me.
I'm digging him a grave,
in it he will soon be.

For we both cannot dwell,
in existence as one.
Six feet under he must go,
So I'll see the job done.

I shape the coffin to it's size,
preparing it to be filled.
When I lay him to rest,
His coffin will be sealed.

Into the ground he will go,
without a second thought.
Then what I've waited for,
The dirt finally to be tossed.

No grave stone I will place,
No last words to be said.
I will turn and walk away,
and leave the old man dead.

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Time, nothing but a subtle breeze
Gently sifting these chain link trees

Every minute passing in the wind
Leading to the hour of my end

The breeze free to go to and fro
Unlike I reaping what I sow

In my ear whispers the wind does
Not about who I am, but who I was

Time, Time passing away
Watching for the close of each day

As my final breath blows into the breeze
Time, a swift gust of memories.

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Can you feel it?
Because it's tearing me apart.
If only you could see,
the damage done to my heart.

Once being so close,
our hearts having the same trajectory.
Knowing your whole body,
my own personal topography.

Now it's all gone,
 and there's only empty space.
An effigy of our relationship,
is all that's left in it's place.

A void that can not be filled,
a gap never to be closed.
Trying to ignore the coldness,
as our seperation is exposed.

An interruption of love,
that has left us disconnected.
Hearts left in desolation,
from the pain we've subjected.

Now there is just one more thing,
something unaccountable you see.
Do you ever think of the distance,
that has parted you and me?

written in Mayo Correctional Institution


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Fatherless" by Propaganda

She Haunts Me

Why do you haunt me so
in my dreams where I cannot let you go
my every thought you have taken captive,

I think of you days on end
Now it's into my dreams you asend
and my insomnia becoming massive.

I don't want to fall into a stage of slumber
where your voice echos like thunder
in my dreams is where you reign,

You once ruled my daily life
but now the tormentor of my nights
as thoughts of you consume my brain.

Why have you become the ghost in my dreams
stretching my sanity to it's seams 
torturing every realm of my mind,

My thoughts are no longer my own
because in my dreams is where you roam
and there is so much pain left behind.

All I want is to dream in peace
but my thoughts of you will not cease
as my eyes begin to close,

You could have haunted anyone else
and left me by myself
why is it my dreams you chose?

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Double Mirror

It's hard for me to look in a mirror,
image is a funny thing... you see.
Reflection of who I am : Hate, addiction, Lies,
 Lust, envy, and greed: It looks like me.

What if I'm looking in the wrong Mirror
and it's all a big trick?
The enemy is the father of lies
Self-destruction is what he would want me to think.

So what if I turn my eyes to the Lord,
for an reflection of another kind?
Love, Patience, Gentleness, and honesty,
Now there's an image I want to be mine.

I must stay with the reflection of the Lord,
To rid myself of this vanity.
Stop looking in the enemies mirror,
because it's trying to steal my sanity
The Lord's reflection is the one I want for my life,
a reflection of beauty crystal clear.
So when the enemy tries to trick me by switching mirrors,
It will be all I can do to laugh at him without any fear.

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Farewell Disguise

In my life I have hid behind my disguise,
not wanting any to know who was I,
and if I could replay the not so wise,
you would know how deep the problem lies.

Underneath a surface so cold,
there is always a story to be told,
of one who's afraid to step into the fold,
trusting in something he cannot hold.

Although faith is made by the step,
and trusting is how promises are kept,
finding I would never be left,
I removed my disguise to show the rest.

Here I stand face to face,
I've moved around but never changed place,
but now I'm ready to open my case,
it may be too soon but better than too late.

Now here I stand in front of you,
It's your decision on what you do,
you can walk away if you choose,
or love me for who I've changed into.

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Setting Sun

I saw the sun go down today,
a sight I saw many times before.
This time it was all brand new,
for I know not what tomorrow has in store.
Sometimes the things we are facing,
have consequences we cannot see.
As the sun goes down on today,
tomorrow we may not be.
We may wish upon second chances,
or to turn back the hands of time.
Yet, as the light fades to darkness,
we cannot change the things we leave behind.
We know not if we are fortunate enough,
to be able to see the next sunrise.
That's just the chance we take,
every time we close our eyes.
So the things we do today,
may affect the tomorrows we see.
And if you watch the next sunset,
you may cherish it just like me.

Written from Mayo Correctional Institution.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Name is Brian

Walking alone, along this street
 worn and torn, my soar feet
 the dirt of days covers my face,

The places I have been long ago
 look the same on every road
 it's like I never really changed place.

Under the stars my somber bed
 Mother natures bosom I rest my head
 and no one even knows my name,
My dinner you have thrown away
 it is in the same place every day
 and yet, you look upon me with shame?

Everyday lives just pass me on by
 not wanting to know who am I
 after all, I don't really even exist,
It is as if when I approach
 a golf ball falls down your throat
 and blind ignorance you must insist.

You think I always want your money
 that's when you begin to look funny
 I can tell when you start shy'n,
There is no thought to extend a hand
 shake like man to man
 "Hi, my name is Bryan".

Dedicated to a man named Bryan that I met on 8/9/07.
 He was digging threw the trash at McDonalds.
 I bought him a meal, He told me his name was
