Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Runner

She runs so very fast
but where has she gone?
Only turned a few corners
nearly breaking the dawn.

Can she really run forever?
An athlete at her best.
Her desire to run away,
She questions my intrest.

Good at what she does,
She told me she'd run.
I blink my eye,
and she was done.

Was I not up to speed?
Could I not compete?
But she came around again,
I was out of my seat.

She really likes to run!
If I could slow her down,
I'd take her by the hand,
and whisper a few sounds.

My little precious runner,
Where does she have to go?
Back into these arms please,
I promise to to slow.

Written by George Lynch
Dedicated to S.B. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

My Dying Tree

My love becomes a fickled tree,
dying from a lonely disease.

Changing from a colorful grow,
to the darkness of the roots below.

A bird will not nest in this branch,
the loneliness consumes at first chance.

There aren't leaves to fall to the ground,
only bare branches to be found.

Life of this tree disease will take,
when the core has had it's final break.

Written By George Lynch
Mayo Correctional Institution
Dedicated to H.S.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Breaking Bricks In The Wall

Who built this wall?
They built it way too tall!
Every brick is labeled,
and it looks so unstable.
Bricks of animosity,
here are some of hypocracy.
The foundation is built on lies,
Fear is stacked to the sky!
There are bricks of shame,
and bricks of blame.
What is this wall trying to hide?
I must see the other side!
Bricks of anger I will remove,
smash bricks of bad attitudes!
Chip away at deceitful lusts,
Bring down violence is a must.
Bricks of hate coming down left and right.
This wall will crumble if it takes all night!
Down with all idolitries.
Breaking away all harmful impurities.
One Brick makes this wall stand tall,
destroy selfishness and it will fall!
So I hit it with all I got,
and each brick begins to drop.
Then I look to the other side
to see Someone's been helping me the whole time.
So I ask Him "Who built this wall between You and I?"
"You did, my son" was His reply.

Written by George Lynch
While at Mayo Correctional Institution