Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Most Important Thing I've Learned about Life Is...

                       The most important thing I've learned about life is that it is too short. I am twenty-five now and have wasted the better have of fifteen years. I know I have many years left, but to waste one day is too much.
                       I spent the last fifteen years living a life of destruction and pain. I cared only for myself and caused others many tears. To some of those people I can no longer say I am sorry.
                      Many times when I should have shown love I only showed hate or disgust. I spent so much time tryng to find things to hate that I forgot what it was to love. Too many times did the love that surrounded me have to open their arms and let me go.
                      Now, only after hitting rock bottom, I am learning to love. this causes me to see all the opportunities I had to love that I carelessly threw away. I could have possibly made a difference in so many lives.
                     In closing, I just want to state how important it is to love with the time we have left. No one knows what tomorrow holds or who will be here for it. Time spent in hatred is wasted and as I said before, "one day wasted is too much". Love with every second you have and you will love every second you have. Life is too short for anything else.

An Essay By George A. Lynch